Our Culture Points
The Heartbeat of our Church

1) We Win Together

  • We emphasize "We" over "Me" and our purpose over our preference. It's not success if it's secured solo. We are a "Team Church."


2) We Show Honor

  • We celebrate the distinctive difference in others beacuse we know that God has placed gifts and callings in the heart of every person. We go beyond what is expected and use our words to speak blessing. We exhibit honor in purposeful investment in connection and relationships.


3) We Exude Passion

  • We recognize that everything we do is filled with eternal importance. Therefore, every detail deserves our enthusiasm, creativity, and excellence.


4) We Embrace Risk

  • We refuse to insult God with small thinking and safe living. We pray big prayers, take bold steps of faith, and watch God move.


5) We Love Sacrifice

  • When we sacrifice we realize that it's not about what we're giving up, but what we're giving to. It's not something we have to do, it's what we want to do.


6) We Are Bringers

  • We believe that every one needs Jesus, a church, and a pastor. It's our great privilege to be the bridge that connects people to Jesus, a great church, and a pastor after God's heart - We invite family, friends & friends-to-be to come with us.